Apache vs IIS

I just read a thread on sitepoint where someone questions the reasoning behind swithcing to Apache from IIS. Here’s a compilation of interesting points to consider.

“It is the most secure, reliable, and scalable platform for web-enabled enterprises…”

“The nature of Open Source software provides a major advantage to Apache over IIS: namely that Open Source software is developed to fit users needs, while packaged software is created to fit market segments, and product categories. The last I checked, Microsoft offered no less than 20 server products. While it’s true that there are at least that many flavors of free web servers (including many variations of Apache), the difference is that you will waste a huge amount of time, money, and effort trying to sort out your company’s requirements (and to no lesser extent, Microsoft’s licensing requirements) while you try to meet your business goals. Do you need a content server, a certificate server, a mail server, a web server, an image server, a proxy server etc? With Apache, you can install it, configure it, and use it. Should you find out later that there is a better solution for your needs, you are not stuck with unused licenses, or add-on product fees. You probably already know this, but there are a slew of programs, fee structures, and licensing costs for each Microsoft server product, AND, they keep changing those programs as they evolve their product line to continually extract more money from their customers. You face none of that licensing nightmare with Apache.”

Apache is more secure and less vulnerable to hackers because of the open source software model. Microsoft believes in security by obscurity (not allowing anyone to see the code). Whether we see the code or not, security flaws will be found. Apache of course has security problems also. However, they can be found and fixed by the end user.

In addition, Apache is more scalable (powers the Amazon.com website) and comes in every flavor you could ever want.

As many people know, a scan of the fortune 1000 sites by Port80 Software puts Microsoft 54.1% of the market share, with Netscape’s server in second place. Why are companies choosing IIS or Netscape server? Because there is a greater SENSE of security. Is it more secure? No! They have money to burn and they have been influenced by Microsoft’s ONE BILLION+ DOLLAR advertising campaign.

Who would’ve believed that a non-proprietary and free webserver would be so popular when Microsoft gives you the opportunity to lock yourself into monopoly driven endless licensing upgrade cycle?

With proprietary software, you don’t know what you’re really getting. You don’t know what’s happening under the binary. Just because many don’t complain about something doesn’t mean they’re not being disadvantaged. I could steal 10 cents a day from you and you probably wouldn’t notice. Does that mean my theft would be permissible?

Impartial, informed observers have been saying for a very long time: Microsoft is a monopoly and illegally maintain this. That a major customer of theirs (HP) felt strongly enough that they disliked dealing with Microsoft sufficiently enough to go on record as stating that if they had alternative suppliers, they would deal with them instead, is surely a strong indication of Microsoft’s nature.

I posted this in the thread, but I’m also recording it here. It’s interesting enough.

12 Responses to “Apache vs IIS”

  1. This is very much imformative to me!

  2. Tonya says:

    Thanks… I’m writing a paper for school and this gave me yet another voice to sway readers towards Apache!

  3. Mike says:

    Wow. How more flaming can you be against Microsoft…get over yourself.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other, but I agree with Mike, get over yourself.

    I quote: “You don’t know what’s happening under the binary”

    Whoever wrote this just lost all credibility in my book.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I found this very useful – Mike and Anonymous, chill out! Its not a crime to criticise Microsoft

  6. Sean says:

    Apache provides an excellent solution in a smaller package than the proprietary counterpart. Yes MS has a large market share and I will still use their products but I can’t afford most of them. I enjoy my linux box with php, apache and mysql installed on a $10 machine I bought at a garage sale, now that is something I can afford.

  7. Hats says:

    Greater SENSE of security doesnt come with the MS product, It comes with the performance and service contracts and MS’s ability to back it up. That is what is more important to fortune 1000 sites rather than the cost of licensing etc.

  8. Jey says:

    This article may seem a bit a biased but to me it’s something that needed to be mentioned and mentioned exactly like this, and I dont think we should avoid saying the right think because it will disturb others or may tend to look like a bias. well done the author.

  9. Carl says:

    Interesting data, I too am working on a paper for my school. I am rather agnostic on the whole MS vs Open Source arena. I support and work on what the client has. I am very familar with MS, but I am working hard to increase my UNIX / Linux knoweledge.

  10. Dude McKluskey says:

    Microsoft eats a$$!! Apache is the bomb, screw WPI and IIS6, they can’t get it right!

  11. Ahmed Samir says:

    Apache is 49.49 % and Microsoft IIS is 35.57 % in the wold

    In the July 2008 survey we received responses from 175,480,931 sites.
    The web has grown by 3.14 million sites over the past month,
    2.2 million for Apache web servers and 1.4 million for Microsoft IIS



  12. Pierre says:

    Microsoft dominates the Web server market (on Windows) because it jumped into the Windows kernel (while others have to cope with the Windows user-mode bloat), see:


    Now, for the first time, a user-mode Web not only server beats IIS in the kernel but also beats ASP.Net by offereing portable ANSI C scripts that are 5x faster than C#!

    Bonus 1: TrustLeap has been under constant attacks since it was shipped 4 months ago -and no vulnerability was found.

    Bonus 2: TrustLeap will ship Linux and Solaris versions by the end of year 2009.

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