Why Not to Use Xanga

Some good info in here.

Friend: elloit u should switch over to xanga instead of blog
Me: xanga sucks..
Friend: lol
Me: i created my xanga in march but it’s just a commercial business
Friend: ic
Me: they force ads on your blog
Friend: ic
Me: the features are horrible and you can’t customize very much without paying $
Friend: im not surprised
Friend: so ur making money off of xanga?
Me: no. xanga is

101 Responses to “Why Not to Use Xanga”

  1. Jaddess says:

    kewl. u gotta point. its pretty much useless.

  2. Anonymous says:

    hello i like eggs

  3. papayaninja says:

    You can use tons of HTML editing and totally change it…. Just look at mine.

  4. Elliot Lee says:

    Yeah, but look at your HTML. How much bandwidth is being wasted? How many workarounds and poor design practices did you use? Then, try to make it validate.

  5. Holli_crombie_ho says:

    actually if you go to the right sites and find the right HTML’s you can make you xanga look amazing and have many extras you just have to know what your looking for.

  6. Holli_crombie_ho says:

    woops!?! andi forgot to say that you can make your xanga have all those things and it will cost you nothing. like i said befor you just have to know what sites to go to and what you are looking for.

  7. ems says:

    wel can ya tel me wat sites to find then cuz my xanga sites dull an i cnt find anythin

  8. Omar de Fati says:


    I have only two things to say:

    1) Don’t take this personally, but consider it motivation; the mark up on your page is hideous. You’re not only burnning bandwidth (you bad boy), you’re going to cause someone to have a seizure.

    2) This post’s author is correct, xanga sucks. If it weren’t for all the very attractive asian women I know there, it would suck ass. As it is, it simply sucks.

  9. marina says:

    you can just go on blogrings.com and get great backrounds. without money.
    and i can see why ou think it is just an advertising aite but heck, how will they *create xanga without money ?

  10. Kate/cutie girl or IM at Breader252x79 ok says:

    I think that it is a cool site im mean all i did was just brows really quick but iz cool:)

  11. Kate/cutie girl or IM at Breader252x79 ok says:

    Actuly I just looked at it thoroly and I like Xanga Infact I just made an Xanga site and it rocks:(

  12. Hay ems I know just what your looking for.If you want music heres what you do.go to your site then go to look and fell.scroll down till you see something about music.delet all whats in that bar then go to windows medeia.type in your fav band then pik your song after tha go to now playing and you should see a little bar with some writing in it on the right below that thing under that other thingy on the right after you find it right clik on it go to properties.then you will see words hilight,oh ps the song has to have it done by the band it self,the bottum over ones you see.then log back on to your Xanga site and go to look and fell again,go down to the music stuff back space every thing in the bar,ps when hiliting right clik and press copy,thenright clik in the bar and hit past.then scroll all the way down and clik preview.after that if you like it,PSafter hiliting you can Xit out of that,then press yes if not press no and do it all over again.then you will come back up to look and feel.there will be a line some were at the top that says “return to my Xanga site”clik that and your done:)

  13. matt says:

    zanga is a piece of junk. but its fun to “conquer” (try my zang page) and start drama with friends. In the end, if it’s readable and functional, it’s worth the cost ($0.00)

  14. tiejaz says:

    well, blogger.com works much better, no ads, and html galore. i reccomend it. 9/10.

  15. Joseph says:

    I agree with Omar de Feti, there are many attractive women on Xanga. But it’s not limited at all to its customization. The ads part is correct, but who cares? They need bread on their table too.

  16. lost says:

    xanga is really cool all u have to do is find the sites with a bunch a codes and u can make it look how ever u want it to but obviously your not smart enough to know how!

  17. Anonymous says:

    shuddup complaning

  18. Anonymous says:

    shuddup complaining

  19. Anonymous says:

    i need to put a song on my xanga where can i go to get it?

  20. Anonymous says:

    i like it alot it satifies my hunger.

  21. Anonymous says:

    you should all visit my site its oblivious_hopes and its awesome! have fun with all of your days im going to lunch at my school….hmmmm…english class sucks and plus i cant get on to my dang xanga here anyways…..haters……pdhhhhh

  22. Anonymous says:


  23. Anonymous says:


  24. Anonymous says:

    u idiot.. xanga rox… u suk.. not like i freakin care..

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