How to Print the URL when Printing Webpages
In case anyone else’d like to know, here’s a conversation I had with someone over AIM.
Online Friend: if i want the url to be printed on the top and/or bottom of pages that i print from the internet, how do i go about changing settings so that it does?
Me: it’s a browser-specific setting
Online Friend: so i can’t change it?
Me: you can. the exact procedure varies depending on your web browser
Online Friend: okay
Me: what OS and browser do you use?
Online Friend: (operating system refers to like windows or linux or something right?)
Me: right
Online Friend: windows ME, and i have wireless cable so i don’t really know about the browser. comcast?
Me: browser refers to something like Internet Explorer 6.0 or Firefox 1.0
Online Friend: yeah i know…erm uh, internet explorer (sorry i should know that, i’m horribly computer inept…but i’m working on it)
Me: File -> Page Setup. you can set the header and footer – &u represents the page URL
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