Chuck Norris Jokes, Again
I wanted to throw in a couple more funny Chuck Norris lines.
“Once a grizzly bear threatened to eat Chuck Norris. Chuck showed the bear his fist and the bear proceeded to eat himself, because it would be the less painful way to die.”
“Chuck Norris does not know about this site. Otherwise he would have deleted the internet.”
Q & A By Jeff Chu, Time Magazine, Annual Issue, March 20, 2006
Time: You’re a rare show-biz Republican.
Chuck: If I found a Democrat I like, I’d support him too. When
President Bush was Governor of Texas, I felt he was a strong leader.
And I felt he’d be a strong leader of the country. But I wouldn’t want
to be in his shoes for all the money in the world. A group in Texas
tried to get me to run for Senator, but I’ve got more important things
to do.
Time: Like being an online cult hero. There are these weird but wildly
popular sayings like “Chuck Norris can divide by zero.”
C: To say I’m surprised is an understatement. I take it as a compliment.
T: Do you even send e-mails?
C: I told you, I’m from the Wild West. I write by hand.
The Grinch didn’t steal christmas Chuck Norris Did, The good chuck giveith and the good chuck takeith away
Time waits for no one, except for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn’t pray to God…God prays to Chuck Norris
Jupiter is one of Chuck Norris’ farts. That is why it is a gas planet.
Chuck Norris hates the Browns
Nagasaki and Hiroshima werent hit by atomic bombs…Chuck Norris took two incredibly massive shits in the same week.
chuck norris can defeat a brick wall at tennis
chuck norris doesn’t throw up after a party he throw’s down
when Jesus was born everyone worshipped him because he was so great…but it was actually chuck norris in disguise.
chuck norris does not speak, words are materialized out of thin air and speak for him.
the president had a plan to end the war in Iraq to bad chuck Norris was busy that day
Chuck Norris does not wear a watch, He decides what time it is. C.N. Rules, more jokes please.
Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac from Burger King, and got it.
Chuck Norris was once bitten by a cobra. After 5 days of excruciating pain the cobra died
Chuck Norris makes his internal organs pay rent
The day Chuck Norris was born death by roundhouse went up 200%
Zoo’s put up fences to protect the animals from Chuck Norris
The “c section” is named for Chuck Norris because he roundhoused his way out of his mothers stomach
Chuck Norris wears ribbed condoms inside out so Chuck Norris gets the pleasure
jesus wears a bracelet that says WWCND- what would chuck Norris do?-
chuck norris doesnt get wet, water gets chuck norris
chuck norris doesnt do push-ups, he pushes the earth down.
chuck norris is the only person to beat a brick wall in a game of tennis
Chuck Norris can bite his elbows.
Chuck Norris is my gay hero
Some People Say Only Tuff Man Eat Nail For Breakfast. Chuch Norris Does His Grosery Shopping At The HardWare Store. >.
Chuck Norris Doesn’t Wear A ConDom Cuz There Is NO Protection From CHuck Norris. haha im a porn star and your not!!!
chuck norris was in a ‘who has more balls contest’ against lance armstrong…chuck norris wno by 7
Issacs nutins law of revelushion pruves that chuck norris can roundhous kick you yesterday
issac nutans thery of refelushion provs that chuck norris can roundhous kick you yesterday.