Turn links into cash? Ucash.in Review

I just signed up for Ucash.in, created by the folks behind Flixya. The idea is that you can turn links into cash, because they show ads– either with frames or intermissions– and split the revenue with you. I’d often wondered if services like TinyURL could do something like this. Take a look at Ucash.in, and sign up for free.

2 Responses to “Turn links into cash? Ucash.in Review”

  1. Ryan says:

    Elliot, cool review.

    tinyurl.com = 1234567.8910 characters
    ucash.in = 1234.56 characters

    Seems like a good url shortening and link protection service as well.


  2. poin says:

    I like http://www.cashurl.us it gives more money.
    It gives 1$ for 1000 hits.

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