Jason Marshall and Petey
Today I’d like to tell you about Petey. He’s a 12-year-old boy suffering from muscular dystrophy. It’s fatal, but Jason Marshall is helping him to live a happy and fulfilling life by being his full-time one-on-one aide. I blogged about Jason Marshall back in October.
To get around, Petey uses a power wheelchair. This requires a special van in order to transport him and the wheelchair, but they don’t have one.
Jason can’t afford the van for Petey on his own, because he makes a small salary, sacrificing his time as an act of service. Petey has a single mom with nine children, so they can’t afford the van either.
We have freedom, so we should help to give Petey freedom.
I read about this from Eric Holmlund, who challenged his readers to blog about this fundraiser. Jason has put together a package of over $2,000 worth of digital products donated by internet marketers to help with the fundraiser. If you give the standard donation amount, you can download the products as a gift for your contribution. You can give any amount and it will be 100% tax deductible as a charitable donation.
I’m not making anything from this, and neither is Jason or anyone else – 100% of the profits are going to help Petey.
So please take a look, and consider making a donation. The package of products is a great deal. Yet if you aren’t comfortable giving $47, then give $20, or $10 or what you feel is best.
Like Eric Holmlund, I’d like to challenge you to post this to your blog or subscribers. We can really make a difference in Petey’s life.
Please leave a comment with your thoughts.
Hi Elliot,
Thank you so much for the post. It means a lot to the both of us. If you want updates just check out the blog.
You can also learn more about Petey. I put up pictures from his birthday night.
Thanks again!