Nintendo DSi

Today Nintendo released a new handheld gaming system– but only in Japan. It should be released elsewhere (U.S., hopefully?) around Spring 2009.

It’s called the Nintendo DSi. Here’s a rundown:

  • The two displays are 0.25″ larger (3.25″ instead of 3″)
  • Clearer sound quality
  • Ability to play MP3s
  • Two 0.3 MP digital cameras (640×480): one in the hinge, facing you; the other on the lid, facing out
  • niteru-do function: take a photo of two people side-by-side and have the software rate how much the two look like each other
  • Manipulate faces using the touch stylus
  • Combine or mold different faces together
  • Manipulate audio: change the pitch and speed of a sound, put effects such as “electrical fan” on a person’s voice or play a sound backwards
  • ¥18,900 (US$179) — About $20 more expensive than the DS Lite
  • No GBA slot. Instead, the unit is slightly thinner
  • Slightly lighter
  • Slightly shorter battery life
  • GBA games cannot be played on the DSi, and some DS games which required the GBA slot can’t either
via PC World (another), InformationWeek, and other sources has a DSi image gallery.
One out of every 5 people in Japan own a Nintendo DS.

3 Responses to “Nintendo DSi”

  1. jake says:

    dsi’s cant play mp3s, only aac files, i think, but definitly not mp3s.

  2. zachary says:

    The dsi is cool and everything, but it just might be priced to high!

  3. cerine says:

    salut j ai une ds
    mais (i cant ) jouer

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