Aggressive Saving

Here’s an interesting thought from a comment on The Simple Dollar.

One of the most wonderful things about very aggressive saving when young is that you can quickly acquire enough money to handle being unemployed for a while. Why does this matter? It means you do not have to EVER stay in a job that you hate to pay the bills. It gives you the freedom to take risks in deciding what kind of work you want to pursue and what options you pursue, when you encounter them. You may not live to 41 (which is why I appreciate your use of the word “appreciate” about frugal living) but as soon as you have a few years worth of savings, your options open up big and wide if you have the courage to think about it that way…

Wylie @ 6:46 pm May 8th, 2007 (comment #11)

Many people don’t seem to think about saving. They seem to think that whatever they earn is what they can spend. They further justify it by claiming this “stimulates” the economy, which it doesn’t. Financially and economically speaking, the best course of action is to make as much money as possible, spend as little money as possible, and use or invest the rest such that it grows at the fastest possible rate. From a Christian standpoint, there’s another thing to consider: tithing to the church, and how to show our love for the poor and needy. I guess the tithe is nominally 10% of our income. Before taxes or after taxes? And giving money away isn’t easy, but all of us in the U.S. are incredibly blessed. In most of the world, people live at constant risk of starvation, violence, or worse. In the U.S. I can start a startup with no fear of starvation. The worst that can occur is bankruptcy. That’s very bad, but it’s not as bad as death. I’m already 21 years old. It’s time to do aggressive saving. Make as much as possible, spend as little as possible.

3 Responses to “Aggressive Saving”

  1. Although money was very common in Genesis and essential for sanctuary worship it was never included in 16 texts whifch describe the contents of the tithe. Tithes were only food from inside Israel.

    The law was never given to the Church.

    Christian giving is: freewill generous, SACRIFICIAL, joyful, not by commandment and motivated by love.

  2. Eldar says:

    very common in Genesis ?

  3. Yes. Do some study.

    One argument to support non-food tithing is that money was not universally available and barter from food must have been used for most transactions. This argument is not biblical. Genesis alone contains “money” in 32 texts and the word occurs 44 times before the tithe is first mentioned in Leviticus 27. The word shekel also appears often from Genesis to Deuteronomy.

    In fact many centuries before Israel entered Canaan and began tithing food from God’s Holy Land money was an essential everyday item. For example money in the form of silver shekels paid for slaves (Gen 17:12+); land (Gen 23:9+); freedom (Ex 23:11); court fines (Ex 21 all; 22 all); sanctuary dues (Ex 30:12+); vows (Lev 27:3-7); poll taxes (Num 3:47+), alcoholic drinks (Deu 14:26) and marriage dowries (Deu 22:29).

    According to Genesis 47:15-17 food was only used for barter after money had been spent. Banking and usury laws exist in God’s Word in Leviticus even before tithing. Therefore the argument that money was not prevalent enough for everyday use is false. Yet the tithe contents never include money from non-food products and trades.

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