Craigslist Scam Email

For those who are searching for specifics found in fake-looking emails, like myself :)

I’m selling my Asus Eee PC 1000H 10″ Netbook 160 GB Windows XP Green – $280 (USC). Here’s a reply to the listing from someone claiming to be “Angela Baker”:


I am willing to pay your asking price
and $120 for the shipping and insurance
kindly send me an invoice via paypal
or give me your paypal account email id
as i cannot come to pick it up because
i am busy at work with a research. You
will be doing me a favor by mailing it
to my cousin ..thanks


I actually called the phone number, just to see what would happen. There was a fax/voicemail system on the other end.

18 Responses to “Craigslist Scam Email”

  1. April says:

    Practically the same response on my ad selling my netbook:

    from Angela Baker
    to xxxxx xxx
    date Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 3:11 PM
    subject Re: Acer Netbook – $300 (NW Houston)
    hide details 3:11 PM (1 hour ago)
    Thanks for the prompt response……
    I am willing to pay your asking price
    and $120 for the shipping and insurance
    kindly send me an invoice via paypal
    or give me your paypal account email id
    as i cannot come to pick it up because
    i am on a vacation out of the State. You
    will be doing me a favor by mailing it
    to my cousin ..thanks


  2. christy says:

    she told me basically the same thing! here is her response

    thanks for the response … i am willing to pay your asking
    price and additional 100 for the postage.I would have love to come
    pick it up but i,m disable, i lost my two legs in a car accident..i
    want to get this for my cousin as i can, t walk on my leg again
    .kindly get back to me with your paypal email address or send
    me a money request via paypal for payment asap….

    God bless

  3. Joe says:

    Another one:

    Okay, I am willing to pay your asking price and $30 for the shipping
    and insurance kindly send me an invoice via paypal or give me your
    paypal account email id for payment if you have an account with paypal
    You will be doing me a favor by mailing it to my cousin in Arizona
    to this address below

    Brill Botsh’
    6725 E. Gary Road
    scottsdale, Az 85254


  4. Adam says:

    I got the same thing, But it was under the email was under the name Eric Jason and the item was selling for $900

    I never used paypal before so i shipped it and i went home and spoke to a paypal representative and found out it was a scam, so I went right back and picked up the package. Thankfully it was still there

    I received a fake email from pay pal saying i received a payment and with that address.

    “Dear Adam, You have an Instant Payment of $900 USD
    From “Eric Jason”(
    Transaction ID: #5Y758872CS5628811
    View the details of this transaction online

    It may take a few days for this transaction to appear in the Recent Activity list on your Account Overview.

    Payment Details from Eric Jason,

    Note: Ship via UPS Overnight Delivery Service.
    Shipping & Handling: UPS Overnight Delivery Service: (includes any seller packing fees) – $100.00 USD
    T otal: $900.00 USD

    Not Specify
    Canon Vixa HF s100
    $800.00 USD

    Delivery Information Address:
    Address Status:

    Brill Botsh
    6725 E. Gary Road scottsdale,
    Az 85254.


  5. Glenn says:

    OH! I just got scammed by tis guy! please don’t bother with it. its a total fake.
    Brill Botch, angela baker, … whoever…they are ll fakes and i learned my lesson


  6. wdfowty says:

    It is nice reading back from you,i am willing to pay your asking price
    and $100 for the shipping kindly send me an invoice via paypal or give
    me your paypal account email id for payment if you have an account
    with paypal or i can send you a personal check if you don’t mind. You
    will be doing me a favor by mailing it to my cousin
    in Arizona to this address below

    Brill Botsh’
    6725 E. Gary Road
    scottsdale, Arizona 85254


    I’m in northern california…
    i knew that my scammer-senses were tingling for good reason. I got one similar to this format about 3 months ago, only difference being they wanted me to ship to their daughter in west africa. hahaha

  7. wdfowty says:

    ok, quick follow up. i just googled the number, it comes up in the yellow pages as a fax # for “360 incorporated”, based in GEORGIA.

  8. Jesse says:

    fuck this douche bag, has anyone actually checked out the address to see what is in scottsdale? I have some contacts in pheonix that would be more than willing to go break this sorry-ass’s legs or at least get some info on where the little cunt might be

  9. Bill says:


    andy botsch is a FUCKING DEAD MAN

  10. Ariana says:

    This Angela Baker is a real piece of work.
    I posted an ad on Craigslist San Diego for a 2cwt Diamond Quad Ring valued at $12,000 and only asking $3,000.

    Here she goes again:
    It is nice reading back from you,i am willing to pay your asking price
    and $100 for the shipping kindly send me an invoice via paypal or give
    me your paypal account email id for payment if you have an account
    with paypal…you will be doing me a favor by mailing it to my cousin
    as i don’t have a pick arrangement for it..


    When I asked what address I will be mailing to she said it would be attached via paypal payment.

    I responded: Your phone number is a fax number and if you are unwilling to give me the mailing address now, i am unwilling to do business with you. I am very skeptical of fraud.

    Angela responded: what do you mean? i wa only trying to let you that there is no problem with the information that it will be attached in the paypal payment

    I basically told her to go F*** Herself since we aren’t all as dumb as her and I attached these posts and several others I found in regards to her scam.

  11. CavemanOOGA says:

    Man am I glad i decided to do some research on this shit. I also received an email from this fucking hack. Instead she no labels herself as “Pat Morgan”.

    My email:

    Thanks for the reply. honestly its great reading back form
    you……as said earlier i,m much interested in buy buying your
    item and willing to pay the asking price…also i will be
    paying an additional $100 for shipping cos you will be doing me a
    favor by mailing it to my cousin … kindly send me an invoice
    via paypal or send me your paypal email id for payment that is
    if you have an account with paypal….thanks and God bless…

    Eddie Gee
    108 woodview Dr
    Wilmington Ohio 45177.


    Im way happy I stumbled across this site, bitch almost had me for a second, but something kept nagging me the entire time about the whole ordeal.

  12. Adam says:

    this motherfucker got me too.
    this was the e-mail she sent me. I also got that fake paypal e-mail as well. I send the item out, and never saw my payment come through. I called paypal and they confirmed that it was a scam.

    It is nice reading back from you,i am willing to pay your asking price
    and $100 for the shipping kindly send me an invoice via paypal or give
    me your paypal account email id for payment if you have an account
    with paypal. You will be doing me a favor by mailing it to my cousin
    Bryan Smith
    749 S
    Burl Ave
    CA 93727


    *has anyone done anything about this? I feel like getting the authorities involvced. I feel like that won’t do anything though since she has done this multiple times. I really wonder who lives at these addresses. I google mapped the address, and it is a residence.

    if anyone has any advice for me on how to handle this situation I would really appreciate it. e-mail me @

  13. Maciek P. says:

    The scammers are working again :-)
    I am selling a car and I did post the info on regional sites. One of the sites published in several places also in UK. And so:

    1) First e-mail from the scammer (Wanda Cross,

    Hello,Is it still for sale?

    2) My answer


    Yes, my Cougar is for sale.
    I do not know if you know my location. I am from xxxxxxxx near Warszawa (Poland) of the url]

    There are more pictures (including original size ones) here [URL removed]. The page is in Polish but you may use Google Translate to read its contents :) See removed]

    3) Again e-mail from


    Good….When last was it serviced, how long have you owned it?? What is the last price for the car,I would love to be to know more about the Present condition of the Car and the Car Service History..I will be paying you through PayPal,which is a fast, safe and reliable method of payment.. ..And i will take care of all Transportation Preparations for the vehicle to my home in London,Uk.

    Please Advice.

    4) E-mail from me (from this moment I had strange feeling that sth is not OK)

    Hi Wanda,

    The car was lat serviced in July 2010. It was standard service (oil, oil filter, air and cabin filters). [the cut part of the e-mail]
    I own it since October 2008. I did 30 000 km. The last price is 15000 PLN which is somewhere around 3260 Pounds.

    But Wanda, I wonder if you really want to purchase a car not seeing it. I would prefer to sell it to someone that I could present the car personally, show its great sides and that not so good. General present condition is really good: interior/exterior is excellent, engine is good. I think that there are some Ford Cougars in UK also in general very good condition and comparable price. You would also have to cover transportation costs and probably some taxes. Also the car has a steering wheel on the left which makes it pretty hard to use in UK.

    If the above is OK with you I may translate all service history into English I have (my service history plus major upgrades by previous owner, whom I knew personally for years).

    5) Next e-mail from Wanda Cross

    Thanks so much for the mail,,I am willing to offer you £3,200 for it,please let me know if you accept my offer, i will be paying you through PayPal because its fast and secure and the only method for me to make the payment to you and i will be arranging for the pick up of the auto at your house door step,hope you have a PayPal Account kindly send me your PayPal Email and Your Full Name so the payment can be made right away,Or you can open one at

    6) Knowing now for sure that this is a scam I suggested to sell it via ebay. In case it was not a scam – almost impossible :-)


    The best way for me would to sell you through ebay. This will allow you to pay via PayPay and be secure for both sides. Then of course we may arrange the pickup.

    7) Still not received e-mail from Wanda… But it does not matter. Will inform if this is not a scam – which is unlikely :-)

  14. Tina says:

    I got a reply to my Craigslist post from “Elizabeth Ashley” with almost the same email content as those listed above. I was selling an antique armchair listed at $525. Here’s what “she” wrote.

    “Im just asking about it to make sure its in good condition as im buying it for my cousin as a surprise and he doesn’t know about it, so can you assure me i will not be disappointed? also no shipment involved as i have a mover that will come for it.Im satisfied with your firm/advert price, As im requesting this transaction should be done via PayPal so the PayPal charges is on me.Payment will be made via PayPal only if you don’t have an account, its very easy, safe and secured log on to ( im present out of town for my new project, so im sorry i will not be able to come look at it in person and that’s the only reason why PayPal is the only payment option. I hope we can make the purchase as fast as possible?”

    The terrible grammar & no punctuation and urgency were dead giveaways to me. I still offered to send “her” close-up photos of the chair but said I would only deal in cash, money order, or cashier’s check. I doubt I will here back from “her.”

  15. Tina says:

    p.s. I’m in the Seattle area, and the email from the suspected scammer is

  16. Tina says:

    I immediately got this reply:

    “Thanks for the message ….the reason why PayPal is the only payment option is because it is safe and secure and as soon as i make the payment for it,you will be sent a notification for the payment receipt in this your email ….that is if you use this your email address to set up the paypal account and i have a mover that will come over for the pick up and the pick up representatives only comes up when we have finish the deal so don’t worry i will be the one to take care of the pick up expenses ok. i will be glad if you can log on to and set up your account and send me email use to set up and i will suggest you make use of this your email address so when i make the payment you will be notify of the receipt from PayPal instantly.
    i look to read from you soon.”

    HA HA HA. I wrote back and simply said, “Sorry. No paypal.” I wanted to say, “Stop emailing me, OK? I’ll just sell it at a consignment shop & let them take their 40%-50% commission!”

  17. Julie says:

    How about this one ??

    Thanks so much for the prompt reply, Well i am willing to buy this
    item for my Cousin located Oregon as her Wedding Gift, I will be
    making the payment via PayPal and i will make additional payment of
    $200 for the shipping cost, So i will be making the total payment of
    $3,500 so all i need to proceed in making the payment if for you to get
    back to me with your PayPal information if you are a registered user
    of PayPal and if you are not i will advice you that PayPal is the best
    way to transfer and receive money online so go now and get account
    with them at but you don’t need to do this if you
    already have an account, Just get back to me with your PayPal account
    email or invoice from PayPal so i can make the transfer as soon as
    possible. Thanks

    Who the heck would buy a wedding band set listed at $3000 for $3500 for their cousin?!!!!!

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