
Need: Better Tab Switching

I’ve been thinking about this for a long while, and today I found that Cédric Beust has put my thoughts into words: What I really need is an extension that lets me switch to a tab by typing a few letters from either its title or its content. Just now, as I was starting to…Continue Reading…

Don’t fix the iPhone 4 antenna issue

I don’t think the iPhone 4 antenna issue should be fixed for two reasons. 1: It does not occur if you use a case. If you don’t use a case, you can hold the phone a different way. 2: It’s caused by the laws of physics. It’s like saying that your MacBook Air is easier…Continue Reading…

iPhone 200 MB plan conflicts with voice mail?

Has anyone successfully downgraded from the Unlimited data plan to the 200 MB one? It would lower my bill by $15/mo, as the unlimited plan is $30/mo and the 200 MB one is $15/mo. That’s a $180/year difference. But the AT&T website says the feature conflicts with “Basic Voice Mail”: The following feature(s) are in…Continue Reading…

How to uninstall Openfire

You might, like me, see tons of launch failures in your OS X Console (an app in /Applications/Utilities). To uninstall Openfire, just delete these files and reboot: /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jivesoftware.openfire.plist /usr/local/openfire /Library/PreferencePanes/Openfire.prefpane

Computers Suck

They are ridiculously hard to use. It’s 2010. Computers should not still be this hard to use. Yes, computers are complicated. But end users should never have to see that complexity. Dear Microsoft: please make your crap usable. In order to upgrade Silverlight, they force me to uninstall the old version first. That’s bad enough;…Continue Reading…

Should companies have phones?

I’m reading an interview with Paul English, Co-Founder of Kayak. He has some innovative ideas for running a company. Here are a couple: The Red Phone: Paul found the most obnoxious, loud-ringing red phone he could find and plugged it in right in the engineering office.  About 30% of the time, when a Kayak web…Continue Reading…