
Always Innovating TouchBook Review

My AI Touch Book arrived yesterday. So far we’ve found that the magnets are incredibly strong and very difficult to take apart. The 3 magnets came stuck to each other, so we’ll need to figure out some way to separate them. The batteries are charging now. They say to give it 6-10 hours to charge….Continue Reading…

Craigslist Scam Email

For those who are searching for specifics found in fake-looking emails, like myself :) I’m selling my Asus Eee PC 1000H 10″ Netbook 160 GB Windows XP Green – $280 (USC). Here’s a reply to the listing from someone claiming to be “Angela Baker”: Hi, I am willing to pay your asking price and $120 for…Continue Reading…

The Google App Engine Runtime could not be extracted

Error The Google App Engine Runtime could not be extracted (perhaps you are running the Launcher from the dmg? If so, drag copy the Launcher to your local disk first.) may not work correctly. I got hit by this error today, as I was trying to install Google App Engine on my iMac. I…Continue Reading…

Rumors of the Sidekick’s death are not exaggerated

Have you heard of the T-Mobile Sidekick? The Sidekick is now dead. From what I’m reading, everyone– yes, everyone– who uses a Sidekick was affected by a network outage that began on October 2nd. Some people reset their devices or removed the batteries, and this causes them to lose all their data. That’s horrendous right…Continue Reading…

Boston University’s Strange File Not Found

Boston University has one of the stranger 404 File Not Found error pages I’ve seen in a while. At the time of this writing, this is a broken link: Here’s an excerpt of what that page says: We cannot find the page you want at: 1. BACK UP In the address bar of…Continue Reading…

Craigslist PayPal Scam

Hi, I’m replying to your post on craigslist for your listed item,is it still up for sale? Let me know. Thanks This legitimate-looking email came from Sara Jason <skittysara2 [at] gmail [dot] com>. Generic enough — nothing to be concerned about. I replied: “Yes.” Her response: Good day , I’m much interested in buying it,…Continue Reading…