
Localizable.strings file changes into gibberish

For the iPhone programmers out there: If you copy a Localizable.strings file from one project to another and it turns into gibberish (lots of question marks), change the File Encoding to Unicode (UTF-16). Also, if you’re using Core Location and you get an error about CLLocationManagerDelegate not being found, add this line to your ProjectName_Prefix.pch…Continue Reading…

Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 09

I’m here in San Francisco for the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference. Lots of stuff is hidden behind an NDA, but the keynote is public, as are my photos of the preparations around Moscone West, the convention center where the conference will be held. Pre WWDC 09

People Better Than You

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” —Warren Buffett One of my favorite blogs to read is The Simple Dollar. Today I downloaded his free eBook, verbosely titled Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal…Continue Reading…

A Retro Digital SLR

Last night I had a fairly involved dream. It felt real. I thought it was real, right up through the moment I awoke. Here’s what I remember of it. I’m a student at USC, in my Senior year. I was sitting in class, next to Sam Choi, in a class that’s either CS 400 (elective?)…Continue Reading…

AirPort is Connected but has No IP Address

I had this problem, and it took me an unusually long time to fix. I believe the cause is that the network we use here at home changed settings. We changed from WPA to WEP, or something like that. So even though I modified the settings in the Network Preferences Pane to WEP, it still…Continue Reading…

Are your passwords safe?

Passwords are a problem. But there’s nothing that can quite replace them. Here’s a very interesting post about one unusual way for a password to be stolen: I Just Logged In As You: How It Happened. And here’s the punchline: So, what have we learned? Programmers are the enemy. Hey .. wait a second, I’m…Continue Reading…