
What’s the meaning of life?

This is a question that’s always in my mind. I constantly reflect on it and reconsider it. Partly this is because I don’t know of a more important question. It seems to me that everything should revolve around this question. If you’re interested, I’d like to ponder it with you at any time. Yesterday I…Continue Reading…

How does a stimulus help the economy?

Carolyn Lochhead claims that the stimulus is called a must. I wonder if she’s taken a basic economics course. Her opening sentence: “The Obama stimulus, as history will know it, is change you can believe in.” Change? Are you kidding me? The Bush administration did the exact same thing. EXACT. SAME. THING. Nobody can name…Continue Reading…

25 Free Christmas MP3s from

Every day from December 1 to 25, is giving away a free Christmas MP3. They’re calling them “Holiday” MP3s, but we all know the real holiday is Christmas. 25 Free Christmas MP3s from

Give a Gift that Saves Money

Erica Douglass suggests that, this Christmas, we should “give gifts that will save the recipient money.” That’s an excellent idea. The first thing that came to mind was Kill A Watt. This is a fascinating product which has recently dipped in price, and can now be had for about $20. That’s the sweet spot for…Continue Reading…

How to Combine Multiple PDFs to Create a Multi-Page PDF

I’ll clarify this later, but for now I’ll quickly show you the following example commands. These should point a geek in the right direction. Example 1 C:\Users\Elliot\Pictures>gswin32c -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=CS377 HW5ElliotLee.pdf -dBATCH first.pdf second.pdf third.pdf Example 2 C:\Users\Elliot\Pictures>gswin32c -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=Stude ntOrganizationFundingGuide.pdf -dBATCH StudentOrganizationFundingGuide1.pdf Stud entOrganizationFundingGuide2.pdf   GhostScript GPL (gswin32c) is downloaded automatically as part…Continue Reading…

iPhone Ad Hoc Distribution

Very tricky, but I got it to work. Here’s the fix: dstewartms Posts: 10 From: Seattle Registered: Jul 12, 2008 Re: [iphone] ad hoc distrib Posted: Jul 19, 2008 4:58 PM   in response to: dstewartms Reply Email SOLVED. First, look at your ad-hoc provisioning file in text edit (just view it, don’t overwrite it!)…Continue Reading…