
Hedgehog Launch Flash Game

I found, played, and beat a Flash game called Hedgehog Launch today. It’s cute, and surprisingly fun. Here are some screenshots of my results:

USC in the 2008 Olympics

I ran into a thread called USC olympics at I didn’t verify these facts, but they’re probably right: USC senior Rebecca Soni beat world record holder Australian Leisel Jones to win the gold medal in the 200-meter breaststroke. To achieve this upset, she marked a time of 2:20.22. Trojans Erik Vendt and Klete Keller,…Continue Reading…

#2 in the iTunes App Store

A couple days ago, my first iPhone app was ranked second in the iTunes App Store for free apps. That was the motivation I needed to take this more seriously. The iPhone is truly a great computing platform. I’m typing this post on my iPhone. In fact, I can now type really quickly with two…Continue Reading…

USC Top Ten Professors and Book List

Some time ago, USC removed the list of Top Ten Professors from the Senate Course Guide. It’s old, biased, and unfair, but I’ve archived it here anyway. (Update [2012] : Archive is gone, but it was previously located at /saved/USC-Top-Ten-Professors.htm )

WordPress Role Manager Plugin

WordPress doesn’t allow anyone Author level or below to post unfiltered HTML. It silently strips things like <script> tages from their posts. Extremely annoying. Fortunately, there’s a plugin called Role Manager which allows you to give certain users specific permissions, like unfiltered HTML posting. You find it here at these sites:

PodPress WordPress 2.6 Fix

PodPress 8.8 (the latest version as of this writing) is incompatible with WordPress 2.6. The fix is to add this line to wp-config.php – define (‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, 0); An alternate fix idea is available here. Listen to the latest podcast at Adventures In Parenting!