
What’s the happiest moment of your life?

18 months ago, Scott Adams, author of the Dilbert comic strip, permanently lost his voice due to a disorder known as Spasmodic Dysphonia. Nobody has ever recovered from it. But yesterday, he did. Read his story. He ends by asking what the happiest moment of your life is. One of my happiest moments was getting…Continue Reading…


Today was super-packed. In addition to Mark Lucovsky talking at USC, I also ran around all day doing things like going to class, doing homework, going to Math 226 SI (Supplemental Instruction), and doing the bulletins for HEAT. I also did a lot of work on the TCF website. It has been a very rewarding…Continue Reading…

It’s not me

I was thinking of just ignoring this, but then I remembered some advice from D. Muliere: be honest and don’t hide anything. Be proactive in informing people what’s happening. So with that in mind, I’m going to write a couple sentences about this troubling situation that I’ve spent a few hours thinking about. Basically, there…Continue Reading…

I Must Be An Expert In My Field

There’s my attempt at writing a passionate and ridiculous statement in order to get comments. Seriously though, I don’t pretend to be an expert. So why do so many of my posts go by with no comments? I was thinking about this today before I read junger’s post about this very topic. He asks, “What…Continue Reading…

Reuters stinks

I was thinking of titling this as Reuters Sucks, but decided that would be too harsh. As I was reading Slashdot tonight, I saw this: Reuters offers correction to Wikipedia slam. junger writes “Reuters put out a hit piece on Wikipedia, saying that the encyclopedia wasn’t credible in ‘covering’ the breaking news of the death…Continue Reading…

Why have periods inside quotation marks?

I was reading about Internet Explorer 7 and that they’ve turned on ClearType by default. I ran through the Windows XP ClearType tuner, and made ClearType look acceptable on this Compaq TFT8030 powered by pixelworks. Apparently it uses the rare BGR subpixel order. Then I read about using double spaces after periods (don’t), and about…Continue Reading…