
Thermal Conductivity Demonstrated by Bickers’ Walk on Burning Coals

Dr. Gene Bickers, Physics professor at USC, today demonstrated thermal conductivity by walking on burning hot coals. He has become famous for this act. This time it was for the Physics 161 class. This isn’t the best picture, but I really like the uniqueness of it. There were many other cameras there, and quite a…Continue Reading…

USC Programming Contest, Spring 2006

I’m typing this on my laptop in Mike Stalcup and Jon Lo’s room because I don’t want to be lonely in my room. It’s 3:32 AM, and I don’t want the day to end. It’s been great. Michael and Jon are messing with their computers, making Windows look like OS X or something completely new….Continue Reading…

Post comments on any site on the web

So I was reading the blog when I saw that they’re allowing visitors to chat with the team. Even cooler than that is the way that they’re doing it. They’re using Gabbly, a neat service that lets you chat about any URL on the web. All you have to do is visit…Continue Reading…

FLOSS Episode 2 with Ben Goodger

Excellent podcast by Leo Laporte. Here are my notes for episode 2. I listened to episode 1. Extensions that: Make textboxes bigger Homestarrunner full-screen extension (Ben Goodger). I haven’t seen Home Star Runner for some time! Flashblock (click to make Flash animation start) extension. Prefetching Tab browsing becoming the norm. Making it more natural…Continue Reading…

Four ad units

I’ve added a link unit to the header, a small button below the title, a small rectangle after the post, and a half banner after the comment box. Let’s see what happens.

The Submarine: What’s Wrong With the Media

You can’t see the fingerprints of PR firms all over the articles, as you can in so many print publications– which is one of the reasons, though they may not consciously realize it, that readers trust bloggers more than Business Week. Fascinating article about The Submarine.