
There’s Space for a MySpace Competitor

I was reading a post at ensight and a lot of thoughts came to mind. I think the conclusion that the entire discussion points to is that there’s an unmet demand for a competitor to MySpace. Although Facebook is an excellent alternative, it’s not perfect. It’s targetted toward college students, and it doesn’t support blogging….Continue Reading…

Hundred-dollar days

I’ve actually had a few hundred-dollar days with AdSense. The first that I see was Tuesday, May 3, 2005, when I earned $108.34. Of course, my average is a little below that :)

Show All Comments?

Building on my previous post regarding the Paged Comments plugin, I’m debating whether to show an all comments link. It could be a good thing, but posts with lots of comments expand for multiple pages and thus would take a long time to load on a single page. That would eat bandwidth and slow down…Continue Reading…

WordPress Custom Fields and Keys

I just realized what Custom Fields are for! That stuff is genius. Keys and values. Reminds me of the Windows registry. Of course, lots of stuff uses the same kind of thing for organizing and storing data and config info. I’m going to install the WordPress Paged Comments plugin, found at Keyvan’s excellent site. //…Continue Reading…

One-Click Spam Removal

This is something I wish WordPress had. I’m going through 220+ comments on one of my entries, just clicking the little edit button, selecting the Spam option, and then clicking Edit Comment. This is taking a lot of time, but I’m doing it because I don’t like spam. There should be an easier and/or faster…Continue Reading…

WP-Hashcash Check Failed

I think this is an effective but silly way of weeding out comment spam. Invariably, legitimate comments are filtered out: WP-Hashcash Check Failed Your client has failed to compute the special javascript code required to comment on this blog. If you believe this to be in error, please contact the blog administrator, and check for…Continue Reading…