
Facebook on the iPhone

I hand my iPhone to a friend and invite her to try the web browser, Safari. What’s the first site she visits? Facebook, of course. When I was at the movie theatre, and I wanted to tell people where I was, what was my only choice? Facebook, of course. Unfortunately, the Facebook interface is not…Continue Reading…

iPhone Typing Tips

How to type punctuation on the iPhone with just one gesture. Click and hold .?123, then slide that same finger over to a punctuation mark. Lift your finger. The punctuation mark is typed and you’re back to your alphabetical keyboard.

Rearranging Bookmarks on the iPhone

This seems to be a factual error in an otherwise very excellent review of the Apple iPhone: Bookmarks are organized alphabetically with folders at the top. You can move folders up and down, but can’t reorganize bookmarks themselves. We were disappointed that you can’t edit existing bookmarks except to delete them, nor can you move…Continue Reading…

Can the iPhone send photos by email?

The feature is there. The interface is slick. My default mail account is setup. But I’ve tried it three (3) times now, and I still have yet to see any email from my iPhone. What’s going on? Am I just missing the email, or has anyone else had trouble with sending photos with the iPhone?

iPhone MMS and iPod

One of people’s big complaints is that the iPhone doesn’t have MMS. This isn’t a problem for me because I don’t use MMS. But can MMS be added in firmware/software? I don’t really know MMS, so I don’t know whether it has hardware requirements the iPhone doesn’t have. Apparently, you can email photos, but they’re…Continue Reading…

iPhone Crashes

I have two iPhone complaints for the moment: Google Maps, Safari, and the iPod app have crashed on me multiple times. There are no games. Even the iPod nano has games on it. Why not the more advanced iPhone? While attempting to multitask between Google Maps and Safari, those apps would occassionally crash. On the…Continue Reading…