
Easy Podcasting

OK, I’ve figured it out. I looked through a lot of trash and ended up with two really simple programs: Juice for downloading podcasts to your computer, and Shuffler for transferring from computer to MP3 player, assuming your MP3 player works like mine does (that is, it creates a drive letter, which is pretty typical)….Continue Reading…

Podcasting is hard

You’d think that with all the talk about the podcasting (or netcasting) revolution, someone would’ve made it easy by now– and with any MP3 player. Well, it’s not true. You can do it with an iPod and iTunes easily enough, but for other MP3 players, the market is extremely fragmented. I started off looking for…Continue Reading…

Implementation of True Blue 1.3.4

It’s time for a change. I’ve been using my old K2 style for who-knows-how-long, so when I saw Steve Lam’s “True Blue” style, I knew I had to try it out. After a little tweaking, it’s not perfect, but looks good enough for the moment. Do you see any problems with it? Here’s what the…Continue Reading…

What does a Google trophy look like?

Google recently held the Google Gadget Awards as a way to stimulate developer interest in creating new and innovative gadgets. Although the gadget I personally submitted didn’t win an award, two USC students did win. Furthermore, USC was awarded “Top university for gadget submission,” which is really awesome. Since I’m the Google Ambassador for USC,…Continue Reading…

Benefits of Y2K

It’s amazing how things seem to fit together so well. I wonder how this can all happen without some God making things work. Then again, there are many things that don’t work out. Y2K is one of computing’s successes, it seems.  The paranoia caused by media publicity of the problem appears to have really helped…Continue Reading…

Companies of the future may be small

More commentary on the article mentioned previously. One upshot of which is that the companies of the future may be surprisingly small. I sometimes daydream about how big you could grow a company (in revenues) without ever having more than ten people. What would happen if you outsourced everything except product development? If you tried…Continue Reading…