
Physics 161 Lab Practical

I haven’t blogged for a week, as my dad reminded me. I blame it on sickness. I’ve been sick for a whole week now. Just thinking about it makes me want to cough. Yesterday was Wednesday. I had my honors physics lab practical. The lab constitutes 20% of our grade, and 40% of the lab…Continue Reading…

2 times as fast, 2 times faster, or twofold?

This is a great article about using such phrasing as “x times faster” or “x times as fast.” It also brings in the notion of something “increasing twofold.” I was looking at how to calculate how much “quicker” something is for my computer science lab, so I did a Google search for calculating “times faster.”…Continue Reading…

Internet companies

This is just hilarious. Matt Cutts takes a picture of the butler in the Ask Jeeves office while nobody is there. Then Ask Jeeves posts a picture of him on their blog!

Simple PHP Caching

Awesome stuff. < ?php $cachefile = 'cache/index-cached.html'; $cachetime = 5 * 60; // Serve from the cache if it is younger than $cachetime if (file_exists($cachefile) && time() - $cachetime < filemtime($cachefile)) { include($cachefile); echo "\n”; exit; } ob_start(); // Start the output buffer /* The code to dynamically generate the page goes here */ //...Continue Reading…

1GB iPod Nano Released

Apple has just released a 1 GB iPod nano. I think this might be perfect for me. It’s four times the memory of my 256 MB Creative Muvo, but only a little more expensive than it was at the time I bought it. Admittedly, the iPod doesn’t have recording or FM radio, but the coolness…Continue Reading…

I hate toolbardollars scum

I went to my website, Google Community, and read a post about someone who got a virus by visiting the home page of my site. How is that possible? I hadn’t noticed it. Well, they were using Internet Explorer. So I fired up IE, went to Google Community, and sure enough: script dialog boxes appeared,…Continue Reading…