
Different: Most programmers aren’t entrepreneurial

I’m doing it wrong. Today I came to a realization: I’m different. The difference between me and other programmers cannot be understated. Despite being a programmer, I also happen to be outrageously good at coming up with ideas and envisioning products. I always have 100 ideas running around in my head. I’m creative, resourceful, and…Continue Reading…

How to learn programming

“I hated high school. It was the worst time of my life. [Then] college … was just awful. When you’re in high school, everyone tells you, ‘There’s a lot of repetitive bullshit and standardized tests; it’ll all be better once you’re in college.’ And then you get to your first year of college and they’re…Continue Reading…

Rumors of the Sidekick’s death are not exaggerated

Have you heard of the T-Mobile Sidekick? The Sidekick is now dead. From what I’m reading, everyone– yes, everyone– who uses a Sidekick was affected by a network outage that began on October 2nd. Some people reset their devices or removed the batteries, and this causes them to lose all their data. That’s horrendous right…Continue Reading…

Localizable.strings Not Working

The iPhone offers good localization support the same way Mac OS X does. For strings, developers use a file called “Localizable.strings”. It’s a bit tricky, though. The syntax of the file is strict; any small error will cause it to stop working without warning. Unfortunately, the compiler (which doesn’t touch the file at all) can’t…Continue Reading…

NTFS-3G Will Not Mount FAT32 DMG Images

I have an external hard drive which is formatted NTFS. Just one of the many hazards of using a Mac is that they do not support NTFS, which is a far superior filesystem to FAT32. Fortunately, there is a program called MacFuse which allows you to use many different things as filesystems, including SSH. Someone…Continue Reading…

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_register_sidebar_widget() in /blog/wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php on line 31

WordPress 2.5 is not compatible with older versions of K2. You’ll know if you have this problem because this error message appears: Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_register_sidebar_widget() in /blog/wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php on line 31 I had this problem, and found a solution in the WordPress Forums. I wonder why it happens and how the K2…Continue Reading…