
Free Analytics from Google

Looks like Google’s making good use of their acquisition of Urchin. Like Picasa and Keyhole, Google is turning acquired products into products of their own by applying a Google flavor and then reducing the price (because they can). And having the name of Google behind it is likely to make the new Google Analytics one…Continue Reading…

Microsoft College Puzzle Challenge

Simply awesome. I put together a team including Adam, John, and Rupesh. We’re all freshman living in Marks Hall. Our team was named ‘’ (I wonder if anyone visited). It was held at universities across the nation; you can see the final rankings for just USC here. We ranked 5th, having solved five puzzles. Considering…Continue Reading…

WordPress Related Posts

I was reading some blogs today, and noticed that the “Related Posts” feature was actually quite handy. I found some related articles that I was actually interested in reading. With that in mind, I decided to add this feature to my blog. There are actually many options available for this type of task. That’s what’s…Continue Reading…

Custom Fields to Set Chitika Queries

Some users are using the Custom Fields feature in WordPress to choose the products to display with their eMiniMalls code. I’d always wondered what Custom Fields were for! They have WordPress use the code when displaying the eMiniMall for a single post.

YourLuckyList Scam

Sure, it sends out lots of ads – that’s the purpose of it – but they’re probably selling users’ emails to other parties, as well. My YLL email address has been signed up for a “Writing Zen” newsletter (something I never signed up for). Beware! Please note: based on comments, I conclude that it’s not…Continue Reading…

Google MD5 at USC

I was looking up some stuff about USC and Google, and this came up: MD5 code is used for security, was written by the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute, and is derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. Message-Digest Algorithm. Google Desktop Copyright Notices ISI is even more amazing than I’d thought… supposedly,…Continue Reading…