
Output 3 Complements with 2 Not Gates

I heard this puzzle at lunch today as I ate with Philip T. and Sam. Supposedly Sam figured it out while we were there, but now that I’ve found the solution, I don’t think so. Philip explained it to me, and told me not to tell him the answer because he wants to figure it…Continue Reading…

Working with Chandler

Agh, I missed 2 days. I’ll have to keep the pressure on, especially now that the August 10 presentations are coming up. Hopefully I’ll have time. I just need to focus more. I need a plan! Share my Chandler calendar on Cosmo-demo Sync with my Chandler calendar here at home Share to my local Cosmo…Continue Reading…


Copying with stress, according to NASA.

macditto on OS X Leopard

Ah, Slashdot. I’ve seen it. It’s rubbish! by megaditto (#15797025) The problem with young people today is they utterly lack imagination. Having x11 support 2 mouse pointers at once, one per each hand, would seem such a basic thing. I like having multiple windows, multiple desktops, multiple tasks going on, why do I bloody have…Continue Reading…

Convert m4a (aac) to mp3

I used iTunes to copy songs off the VBS CD, which encoded them in AAC format (M4A container). My video editor doesn’t accept that format, so I needed to convert them to mp3. After trying lots of programs that Google offered me, many of which claimed to be “free” but were really just “free trials”,…Continue Reading…


Acronym I haven’t seen used until now: RITW, for “Re-Invent The Wheel” I’d rather not RITW.