
3D Images: Frankfurter Experiment

This is Part II of my series on 3D images (part one). I just did the Frankfurter Experiment, which is a crazy name for a simple thing. I love it. I might do it all the time now. By the way, there’s a big dinosaur in this picture! (This is a parallel-viewing image.) I thought…Continue Reading…

3D Magic Eye Images are Amazing!

This is one of the most stunning things I’ve come across for a long time! 3D eye exercises Two different 3D viewing methods It’s all definitely real and works great. I can do the cross-viewing method, but I’m still working on trying to do parallel-viewing. That makes sense, because I’m always looking at my computer…Continue Reading…

Featured posts

A random thought just struck me. How about having one or two Featured Posts always appear at the top of my blog’s front page, and my other chronological posts appear under that? I think that would make the home page much more friendly to new readers. Plugin time! when I have time, that is.

How programmers think: Kryder’s law

I was reading about Moore’s law, which led me to Kryder’s law. What an interesting concept. I recently bought a new hard drive just last week, some $90 for a 250 GB drive. Just a few years ago, 4 GB drives were considered huge. Who could ever use that much space? Today, I can fill…Continue Reading…

Moore’s paradox

Moore’s paradox is fascinating. Belief and knowledge are funny things!

Giant magnetoresistive effect

Giant magnetoresistive effect just sounds too cool. It’s the explanation behind why we’re able to have giant-capacity hard drives.