
Domain Work

I own a bunch of domains. But what should I do with them? They’re basically being wasted at the moment. It goes along with my earlier post about finding people to create sites with them. They’re good domains. These are the ones I worked with today. These are registered with Hostway.…Continue Reading…

Lunch with Grandpa

I had lunch with my grandpa today. It was a very fun experience. I’m glad that I had the opportunity to get to know him better. We went to a Chinese dim sum restaurant. I don’t remember its name. I drove all the way out to his house, which is in Pasadena. It takes about…Continue Reading…

Topics of Interest on SitePoint

This post has been moved to my linkblog as SitePoint Topics.

SketchUp Note

In the SketchUp tutorial, I had some trouble around the 11th step. “You can also move single line segments to stretch an object. In the following example, a line is selected and moved up in the blue direction to form a sloped roof.” This didn’t work for me, but I worked around it by using…Continue Reading…

Chuck Norris Jokes

I have no idea where this originated, but it is hilarious. Chuck Norris can divide by zero. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself… The only thing fear has to fear is Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of…Continue Reading…

Plans for Tomorrow

Here’s what I’m hoping to do. Find my Discipleship Journal Bible reading plan, or print a new one, and catch up on my Bible reading. Since it’s Spring Break, maybe I can even go through all of January and be totally caught up. But that might be a bit drastic, since I could always just…Continue Reading…