
Largest Employer in Los Angeles

It look me awhile to find this information, so I thought I’d post about it and hopefully help someone somewhere find this info faster than I did. I read a random article about Campaign UCLA, and in the “About UCLA” paragraph at the bottom, it said: “California’s largest university, UCLA enrolls approximately 38,000 students per…Continue Reading…

CSS Reboot, or USC Webfest?

The Webfest is due by the end of March, while the CSS Reboot is May 1st. “54 days to go until May 1st.” I’ve signed up for the Reboot. Webfest: “Wednesday, March 29, 2006.” I’ve also signed up for Webfest, a contest for USC students. I don’t expect to win; my site isn’t designed like…Continue Reading…

Daniel; Guitar Midterm

I found Daniel’s blog by searching Google for the number 23 usc. It’s neat — a step above the Xangas that everyone seems to have. Though I don’t know him particularly well, we both go to USC, are members of InterVarsity Trojan Christian Fellowship, and we both went to the Fall Conference. His blog is…Continue Reading…

My blog needs a name

I need a new and unique name for “Elliot Lee”. That’s my name. It shouldn’t be my blog’s name, too. Something like “Ted Leung on the air”, but original, of course. Any suggestions? I originally posted this at the end of a previous post, but it was ignored. Here it gets a post of its…Continue Reading…

Logitech SetPoint with MX3100 and F5 Refresh in Firefox

The Logitech MX3100 (LX 700/MX 3000 keyboard) has special functions for the F keys. Strangely, I never had a problem on my old installation. But now that I’m using the latest version of their SetPoint software, it seems to override Firefox’s built-in keyboard shortcuts; namely, F5 for refresh. Instead, it was showing “Undo” (in ugly…Continue Reading…

Saturday Come and Gone

I don’t know what time I woke up this morning, but it was just before lunch. I had a great home cooked meal (by my grandma) and then spent the next few hours doing stuff online. We went to visit my aunt, uncle, and two cousins who are vacationing down in San Diego. Then, we…Continue Reading…