
Custom Fields to Set Chitika Queries

Some users are using the Custom Fields feature in WordPress to choose the products to display with their eMiniMalls code. I’d always wondered what Custom Fields were for! They have WordPress use the code when displaying the eMiniMall for a single post.

YourLuckyList Scam

Sure, it sends out lots of ads – that’s the purpose of it – but they’re probably selling users’ emails to other parties, as well. My YLL email address has been signed up for a “Writing Zen” newsletter (something I never signed up for). Beware! Please note: based on comments, I conclude that it’s not…Continue Reading…

Google MD5 at USC

I was looking up some stuff about USC and Google, and this came up: MD5 code is used for security, was written by the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute, and is derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. Message-Digest Algorithm. Google Desktop Copyright Notices ISI is even more amazing than I’d thought… supposedly,…Continue Reading…

YPN Yahoo Publisher Network Ad Units

Inspired by Google’s AdSense support, but modified for the Yahoo Publishing Network: How can multiple ad units be used effectively? You can place as many ad units per page as you like. There is no limitation on the number. Here are some instances where multiple ad units may prove successful: * Pages with lots of…Continue Reading…

Identity Fraud on MSN Messenger

On MSN Messenger, you can sign up for any email address you want, using it as your Microsoft Passport identity. This is stupid. I’ll leave it up to your imagination as to what kind of fraud this allows for. Of course, it’s only made possible by users who think email addresses automatically grant some kind…Continue Reading…

Disney Concert Hall

I went for La Master Chorale with Grant Gershon, conductor at the Walt Disney Concert Hall. It’ll be $7 (I haven’t paid yet) – Building Government was awesome and subsidized part of the cost. It was good. I might write more later.