
The Devil Wears Prada – Recommended

I just saw The Devil Wears Prada on recommendation from my RC (Resident Coordinator), Mike. Someone told me it was about a woman selling her soul or something, but that’s not what it’s about. It’s really completely different from what I expected. In fact, it was a lot better than I expected. I enjoyed it…Continue Reading…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter book 7 is coming out July 21, 2007. Interested in the Deathly Hallows? I wonder if anyone would misspell it as Deathy Hollows. I’ve previously covered Harry Potter on this blog, with a list of books, watching Prisoner of Azkaban, and book 6 when it was released. Book seven’s going to be hard…Continue Reading…

Vista speech recognition listens to audio

This is pretty funny: Windows Vista’s speech recognition listens to audio files played by the speakers, so if you visit a malicious website that plays an audio file telling your computer to delete your files, and you have your speakers and microphone on, you’re toast.

Implementation of True Blue 1.3.4

It’s time for a change. I’ve been using my old K2 style for who-knows-how-long, so when I saw Steve Lam’s “True Blue” style, I knew I had to try it out. After a little tweaking, it’s not perfect, but looks good enough for the moment. Do you see any problems with it? Here’s what the…Continue Reading…

Windows Vista / Office Upgrade Tip

This reminds me of the Office 2000 Upgrade CD. When prompted for the location of a previous version of Office, you could just point it to the CD, and bingo! Setup can now continue! Install Vista Upgrade Without Preexisting XP

What does a Google trophy look like?

Google recently held the Google Gadget Awards as a way to stimulate developer interest in creating new and innovative gadgets. Although the gadget I personally submitted didn’t win an award, two USC students did win. Furthermore, USC was awarded “Top university for gadget submission,” which is really awesome. Since I’m the Google Ambassador for USC,…Continue Reading…