
Miracle Fish – Fortune Teller

We picked up a “Fortune Teller Fish,” also called a “Miracle Fish,” from a nearby geocache. It’s really cool. It looks like a normal piece of plastic, in the shape of a fish. But just put it on your hand, and it moves all by itself. Its movements supposedly indicate your fortune! Our family has…Continue Reading…

Take screenshot of Windows Media Player

If you have Windows Media Player 9 or 10, and you’re playing MPEG or MPEG2 content, just press CTRL + i  to save a capture of the screen. Alternatively, you can drag Video Acceleration down to None. Tonight, we were watching Naruto, and I finished all 75 episodes which my friend gave me to…Continue Reading…

Albatross18 Guides

Here are some guides for the online multiplayer game Albatross18 (as much a reference for me as anyone else): DLH.Net FAQ, PangYa Guide, Power Curve Diagram

USC Wins the Rose Bowl

I watched the start of the game, with George Lucas and the kickoff. It was 3-3 at halftime, and we watched the Michigan band play. My dad was siding with the University of Michigan, where he earned his undergraduate degree. =) Then we went out and attempted to find two geocaches, which we couldn’t find….Continue Reading…

Get Smacked by a Wiimote

Maybe they should put bungee straps on these things so that if some doof tries to send his flying across the room it will come back and smack him. peshue on Engadget, referring to Wii Remotes

Merry Christmas to all

I’m staying up to wrap a few last-minute gifts for my family, send out a few e-cards, and register a domain with Google. That’s right: Google offers domain registration now, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity when I thought of a cool name: That’s Planet ‘SC, as in Planet USC, a domain for…Continue Reading…