
Wii may be the ultimate family system

I seriously considered getting one for a moment. But we already have a GameCube, and DDR: Mario Mix is enough for me for now. But when the first price drop comes around, you bet I’ll be thinking about getting a Wii, the ultimate family system. Seems easily worth the $250, but hey, got to save…Continue Reading…

Hands-on the Nintendo Wii

The Wii has arrived in Marks Hall. Jason Lee picked up a new Nintendo Wii, waiting in line for it early this morning. (Although Nolan apparently paid for it, he’s going to pay him back.) It’s really, really sweet. Not only is it by the far best-looking of any of the next-gen consoles, it’s also…Continue Reading…

How much memory fit in a six-foot-tall cabinet in 1964?

IBM’s site has a blurb about the IBM 2361 core storage unit. In each 2361, almost 20 million ferrite cores — tiny doughnut-shaped objects, each about the size of a pinhead — were strung in two-wire networks and packaged, with associated circuitry, into a cabinet only five by [two and a half] feet and less…Continue Reading…

Higher impedence is better

Want to get the best earphones? Look for a higher impedance, measured in ohms. Here’s a comment from someone on Digg. I don’t know if it’s true, though, so read with a grain of salt and do your own research. Most of these headphones on this site have impedance ratings of under 60 ohms, this…Continue Reading…

Uncle Arthur’s Wedding

Here’s a very quick overview of my weekend. I left Thursday evening and flew to Houston, TX for my uncle’s wedding, which was held at Rice University. While in Texas, we went to a butterfly exhibit at the Museum of Natural Science. Later, we went to the Museum of Printing History, where we printed a…Continue Reading…

Firefox 2 > IE 7

IE 7 was released earlier this week. Firefox 2 was just released. Sam Park suggests ;)