
Worrying or suffering for the sake of others

Jessica writes a short but intriguing post on the question of suffering for the sake of others.

The Way by Fastball

I once heard an acapella group at USC perform “The Way” by Fastball. It’s really catchy and has been stuck in my head all day.

1980 Games

Old video games are emulated right in your web browser at I’m really amazed.

Inventon of the microwave

Someday I should look more into the invention of the microwave oven. I read several pages about it. Looks like World War II resulted in a lot of technologies that benefit us today. People are lazy. They get so much more done with the proper motivation.

It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day

Brendan Loy has the details on International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Proposal: Electronic Book Reader

Here’s an idea I came up with a few weeks ago. I didn’t write “eBook” because it looks silly and has somewhat negative connotations. This is an Electronic Book Reader, and yes, it needs a catchier name. Here’s an overview of a few of the things I’ve thought about. A company really needs to make…Continue Reading…