
Cybiko laptop, processor hat and other dreams

I had some strange dreams last night. The first I can remember goes like this. I was talking with a friend in their dorm room, when suddenly I noticed that they were browsing the old Cybiko website on their computer. What?! The Cybiko website is back online! I asked him why he was there. “I…Continue Reading…

Steve Irwin

I learned from protokurios’s Xanga that Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter, was just killed by a stingray. I had wondered how people survive dangerous stunts on TV. Update: Discovery has a lot of great information, including an audio tribute (mp3) on the event by the cameramen. It’s a very well-done website.

Reuters fakes photos

Reuters fakes photos

A Humble Man Wouldn’t Say He’s Nobody

Another great insight from CS Lewis’s Mere Christianity. We must not think Pride is something God forbids because He is offended at it, or that Humility is something He demands as due to His own dignity — as if God Himself was proud. He is not in the least worried about His dignity. The point…Continue Reading…

Backup with phpMyAdmin

Here’s how to make a database backup with phpMyAdmin. The guide is for WordPress, but can be generally applied to other PHP/MySQL apps. Note that you have to use settings that aren’t the default.

Reasons more complex than they appear

More amazing insights from CS Lewis, pages 98-99. But what, it may be asked, is the use of keeping two people together if they are no longer in love? There are several sound, social reasons; to provide a home for their children, to protect the woman (who has probably sacrificed or damaged her own career…Continue Reading…