
Start my reply before the quote

As a follow up to my USC email post, not that to keep things consistent, it’s necessary to change Thunderbird’s default setting under Account Settings -> Composition & Addressing. Instead of start my reply below the quote, choose start my reply above the quote. This is consistent with Gmail and USC’s web-based email client.

Dream or reality?

Last night I dreamt that the Russians (or some other country) thought they could nuke various US cities without retaliation. I’m not sure if it was a video (comedy) or a video game. But they were happy and laughing until, a few minutes after their strike, nukes came raining down on them and destroyed their…Continue Reading…

Church, SIT, Nick, Natasha’s Recital, Alex, CS, GWA

Talk about putting lots of things into one post. First I went to Evergreen with Michael Stalcup and Theo. It was a very interesting sermon. Personal examples really help to communicate the message. Then I went to SIT (Sophomores-In-Training, I think we’re calling it) at Larissa’s. It’s the very last Spring Training session. Next we’ll…Continue Reading…

Symantec, Semantic, Busyness and Business

Whoa! I just realized how similar Symantec and the word semantic are. I didn’t know that’s what the company was named for, until just now (was it actually named after that word?) It’s a good name. Reminds me of the time several weeks ago when I realized that the difference between the words busyness and…Continue Reading…

Twist and Shout – The Beatles

I got this song stuck in my head today. All remembered of the words were “C’mon baby, twist and shout.” Well, I looked it up: Twist and Shout, by the Beatles.

Floating menu

Example of a site with a menu that stays at the same place on a page, even while you scroll the rest of the page. I think it uses just CSS, rather than DHTML or Javascript.