It’s not about windows being “slow” as in “OMG!!! SOLITARE LO4DZORZ ZLOW11!1!111!”, but as in “Geepers! The Windows development cycle sure is taking its jolly time!”. comment on slashdot
It’s not about windows being “slow” as in “OMG!!! SOLITARE LO4DZORZ ZLOW11!1!111!”, but as in “Geepers! The Windows development cycle sure is taking its jolly time!”. comment on slashdot
This is just insane. This guy assembles a 12″ PowerBook; he has upgraded the hard drive, optical drive, and colored the Apple logo. Don’t try this at home.
Nanoscale materials, including particles used today in stain-resistant pants and suntan lotions, are generally less than 100 nanometers in diameter. A sheet of paper, in comparison, is a whopping 100,000 nanometers thick. (nano laws) I want more stain-resistant pants (and a water-resistant jacket)! They’re truly amazing innovations that I’m fascinated by.
bunnie’s blog has a contest in which he shows a photo of a circuit board, and people have to figure out what it is. Really amazing stuff.
What the?! This stuff is actually mind-boggling! So tonight I took in my copy of Nature from the mail and opened it up…and saw smiley faces. I thought this was the coolest thing I had seen in a while: Paul W.K. Rothemund, a researcher at Caltech, has figured out a way to cause DNA to…Continue Reading…
512 bytes is a very small amount of code (it fits on a single sheet of paper!), compared to the megabytes of code contained in software like Windows, Internet Explorer or Internet Information Server. Three bugs within these 512 bytes compromised the security completely – a bunch of hackers found them within days after first…Continue Reading…