
Featured posts

A random thought just struck me. How about having one or two Featured Posts always appear at the top of my blog’s front page, and my other chronological posts appear under that? I think that would make the home page much more friendly to new readers. Plugin time! when I have time, that is.

Moore’s paradox

Moore’s paradox is fascinating. Belief and knowledge are funny things!

Giant magnetoresistive effect

Giant magnetoresistive effect just sounds too cool. It’s the explanation behind why we’re able to have giant-capacity hard drives.

How a cat always lands on its feet

I was trying to start my physics homework when I read this in my textbook: These experiments explain how a cat always manages to land on its feet. When dropped toward the floor from an upside-down position, the cat turns its body by means of very quick swinging motions of its hind legs and tail….Continue Reading…

Disneyland with Builders

I just got back from Disneyland. It was awesome. Ah, the joys of using dual monitors. I’m blogging on one screen and editing the photos from the day with Picasa2 (the latest version) on the other screen. Speaking of which, I updated the version of Picasa on my laptop: Picasa Version 2.0.0 (Build 18.84…) to…Continue Reading…

Chuck Norris Jokes, Again

I wanted to throw in a couple more funny Chuck Norris lines. “Once a grizzly bear threatened to eat Chuck Norris. Chuck showed the bear his fist and the bear proceeded to eat himself, because it would be the less painful way to die.” “Chuck Norris does not know about this site. Otherwise he would…Continue Reading…