
President Reagan’s Speech

His speech at Moscow State University was a long time ago, but when I read it last week, I was blown away. It’s awesome!

96 Processor Cluster in a Small Box

Awesome stuff. This computer is only a little larger than a personal computer, but it contains 96 Transmeta Efficeon processors, each running at 1.2 GHz. Linux powers 96-node personal cluster “The DS-96 measures 17 x 27 x 25 inches, and weighs 150 pounds. It draws a claimed peak of 1,500 Watts through a single 15-amp…Continue Reading…

Blogger Improvements

One nice feature of WordPress is that it lists Incoming Links in the Dashboard. From there I visited some of the sites linking to me. It’s very interesting to find that there are sites out there, that I’ve never seen myself, linking to my site. I love it – it really adds to the blogging…Continue Reading…

New Gmail Login Box

This used to be a post about a redesigned Gmail login box. The post is no longer relevant, and has been removed.  

Famous Engineers

These people are engineers or have an engineering background.

Yahoo 360

About time I blogged a little something on this. Yahoo 360 (I refuse to put the exclamation point, I think it draws undeserved additional attention to Yahoo’s name :P) is Yahoo’s social networking service, much like Orkut, Wallop, Friendster, etc. It will be interesting to see how these services diverge and attempt to set themselves…Continue Reading…