Archives Spam

First off, I’m not saying this program is a scam. “Studies” have shown that people do get their iPods. What I am presenting here are the hidden costs involved, which is how they make over $250+ to pay for your iPod. The most obvious issue is spam, although people do not always realize this. Please…Continue Reading…

Recruiting Using Billboard Puzzle

A large billboard on Highway 101 says simply, “{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits e}.com” No indication of which company is advertising that. If you follow through with the puzzle, Google appears and explains: “As you can imagine, we get many, many resumes every day, so we developed this little process to increase the…Continue Reading…

American Cancer Society’s 24 Hour Relay for Life

Last weekend, I participated in the American Cancer Society’s 24 hour “Relay for Life”. It was a pretty neat experience. I donated $100, so I got a free t-shirt and 3 meal tokens (for lunch, dinner, and breakfast). I didn’t eat breakfast on Sunday morning (since I left quickly to go to church), so I…Continue Reading…

Googlism for: gengar

This is neat. The Googleism is pretty accurate to my idea of Gengar, overall. Some of it’s just plain hilarious. Googlism for: gengar gengar is ready this time and disappears himself gengar is evil gengar is one of the =coolest= looking cards in the fossil set gengar is asleep gengar is a ghastly goul and…Continue Reading…

Entering a Password Multiple Times for Security

I was thinking about the 1983 movie WarGames and how the computer personality of “Joshua” acted like a human. The first time you asked it a question, it responded with a question or didn’t give a complete answer. However, if you asked the computer the same question a second time, you got the information you…Continue Reading…

Clever: Site-Flavored Search

This Google search box is flavored (yummy!) Flavor: Computer hardware, software, and programming; internet; home entertainment Customize one for your site.