
Quote from an Interview with Matthew Mullenweg

I have a linklog started awhile ago. I don’t think I’ve added to it lately, though – I’ve been focusing more on my blog. Here are some interesting words from an interview with Matt Mullenweg: Asides are basically short posts, usually focused around a single link. I’d always flirted with the idea of a link…Continue Reading…

a funny joke

from a thread on WHT: Bob is driving along a highway driving his brand new Mercedes and spots his neighbour Jerry stuck on the side with car problems with his old, beat up Ford. Bob decides to help Jerry out by giving him a boost, thinking “I was in the same situation only a little…Continue Reading…

Cool Super Smash Bros. Melee Movies

It’s in another language, and I have no idea what it says, but if you click a link and click the second link (to an mpg file), you’ll get cool movies of moves from SSB:M. Super Smash Brothers Videos via felipe

Search Terms – May 2004

The votes are in! Top 20 of 285 Total Search Strings # Hits Search String 1 33 6.38% mothproof underpants 2 26 5.03% kb840374 3 18 3.48% fugue for tinhorns 4 15 2.90% what icons are doing while you sleep 5 9 1.74% gmail 6 9 1.74% sign up gmail 7 7 1.35% 8…Continue Reading…

Last Computer Club Meeting

We had our last computer club meeting of the school year today. For those who don’t know, I founded the computer club at Walnut High School and this was our first year. Today we did a real activity. Mr. Ulrich had us checking the CD-ROM and floppy drives of the Dell computers in the D2…Continue Reading…

TechTV | Ada Lovelace, Countess of Controversy

Was a Victorian lady, the daughter of poet Lord Byron, really the world’s first computer programmer? By Maria Godoy, TechTV News Augusta Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace, is something of a giant in the world of technology. The daughter of celebrated poet Lord Byron, Lovelace was a Victorian society hostess, the mother of three,…Continue Reading…