
I go insane at night

And forget everything the next morning. No, I’m not partying nor drinking, nor even hanging out with people. I’m looking at my math homework now, which I was struggling to finish last night. Right in the middle of a math problem, here’s what I have written, in pencil and scrawled in strange shapes, as if…Continue Reading…

How much memory fit in a six-foot-tall cabinet in 1964?

IBM’s site has a blurb about the IBM 2361 core storage unit. In each 2361, almost 20 million ferrite cores — tiny doughnut-shaped objects, each about the size of a pinhead — were strung in two-wire networks and packaged, with associated circuitry, into a cabinet only five by [two and a half] feet and less…Continue Reading…

What’s the happiest moment of your life?

18 months ago, Scott Adams, author of the Dilbert comic strip, permanently lost his voice due to a disorder known as Spasmodic Dysphonia. Nobody has ever recovered from it. But yesterday, he did. Read his story. He ends by asking what the happiest moment of your life is. One of my happiest moments was getting…Continue Reading…

For the first time, married households no longer the majority

Yahoo News says that marriage is losing its edge. A new survey has shown that traditional marriage has ceased to be the preferred living arrangement in the majority of US households. The findings were released in August. Nearly 55.8 million American family households, or 50.2%, were unmarried. More than 14 million single women 5 million…Continue Reading…

Proposal: Electronic Book Reader

Here’s an idea I came up with a few weeks ago. I didn’t write “eBook” because it looks silly and has somewhat negative connotations. This is an Electronic Book Reader, and yes, it needs a catchier name. Here’s an overview of a few of the things I’ve thought about. A company really needs to make…Continue Reading…


Today was super-packed. In addition to Mark Lucovsky talking at USC, I also ran around all day doing things like going to class, doing homework, going to Math 226 SI (Supplemental Instruction), and doing the bulletins for HEAT. I also did a lot of work on the TCF website. It has been a very rewarding…Continue Reading…