
Output 3 Complements with 2 Not Gates

I heard this puzzle at lunch today as I ate with Philip T. and Sam. Supposedly Sam figured it out while we were there, but now that I’ve found the solution, I don’t think so. Philip explained it to me, and told me not to tell him the answer because he wants to figure it…Continue Reading…

Garmin eTrex GPS Comparison

There’s a whole line of eTrex handheld GPS units, but no really good side-by-side comparison of all of them. So here’s my attempt. In text: PRODUCT WAAS WATERPROOF COLOR PRICE Garmin eTrex GPS with Waterproof Exterior (Yellow) No Yes No 87.85 Garmin eTrex Camouflage GPS with Hunting / Fishing Calculator No Yes No 117.1 Garmin…Continue Reading…

Last several weeks of Summer

I’ll be operating at maximum stress level in hopes of accomplishing more that way. On the other hand, I’m naturally not stressed out enough, and I sit back yawning and just staring at the world around me. So it’s time to buckle down. This summer, I’m doing two major things, each of which could easily…Continue Reading…

It’s not me

I was thinking of just ignoring this, but then I remembered some advice from D. Muliere: be honest and don’t hide anything. Be proactive in informing people what’s happening. So with that in mind, I’m going to write a couple sentences about this troubling situation that I’ve spent a few hours thinking about. Basically, there…Continue Reading…

Americans don’t care about technology

An interesting comment from Slashdot: Electronics are “dumbed down” for the american consumer…The Sharp Zaurus was pulled from US markets because it’s too “hard” for americans. Yet the Zaurus is a raging success in Japan and they are on their 6th version that blows anything you can buy in the states out of the water….Continue Reading…

I Must Be An Expert In My Field

There’s my attempt at writing a passionate and ridiculous statement in order to get comments. Seriously though, I don’t pretend to be an expert. So why do so many of my posts go by with no comments? I was thinking about this today before I read junger’s post about this very topic. He asks, “What…Continue Reading…