

Someday I’ll learn to whistle, assuming it’s physically possible.

Accidental Discoveries

After reading through this list, the only thing I could think of is: what discoveries have been lost due to small chance? How many discoveries have been made, but never told about? What applications of discoveries have we missed? Take a look at the Top Ten Accidental Discoveries…

What if results could be connected with origins?

I was looking at the floor in the restroom here in Marks Hall, and I noticed that the drain cover was off. On it was an engraving: “SMITH.” And I wondered: where did it come from? The drain cover must be its own element of the puzzle. Despite there being an entire restroom with many…Continue Reading…

PHP Code Encryption Optimization or Obfuscation

When you want to hide your code from people who may steal it, but you still want to release your script so that other people can use it, there are several main techniques you can use. There’s the Zend Optimizer, IonCube / Loader, and then there’s simple obfuscation or encryption within your code. I’ve used…Continue Reading…

Gas Prices Aren’t Bad

In the U.S., that is. It might make you feel better that we are still paying $3.19 and happy about it since it has been hovering in the $3.40 range for a while now. I think it can only get better….or not. by Anonymous at 11:26PM (PDT) on Oct 8, 2005 well, i live in…Continue Reading…

YourLuckyList Scam

Sure, it sends out lots of ads – that’s the purpose of it – but they’re probably selling users’ emails to other parties, as well. My YLL email address has been signed up for a “Writing Zen” newsletter (something I never signed up for). Beware! Please note: based on comments, I conclude that it’s not…Continue Reading…