
Runtime installation error

I was installing Paint Shop Pro 8 on my sisters new tablet pc when we got this error: Could not register flash06007900. I’m not sure what fixed it, but it worked after trying to find a fix and then just trying again. I tried searching for a fix on Google, but found nothing.

iPhone MMS and iPod

One of people’s big complaints is that the iPhone doesn’t have MMS. This isn’t a problem for me because I don’t use MMS. But can MMS be added in firmware/software? I don’t really know MMS, so I don’t know whether it has hardware requirements the iPhone doesn’t have. Apparently, you can email photos, but they’re…Continue Reading…

iPhone Crashes

I have two iPhone complaints for the moment: Google Maps, Safari, and the iPod app have crashed on me multiple times. There are no games. Even the iPod nano has games on it. Why not the more advanced iPhone? While attempting to multitask between Google Maps and Safari, those apps would occassionally crash. On the…Continue Reading…

Browser cache is confusing

Yesterday, I was working on a website and had two versions of the same file. When I was ready to put the new version up for testing, I deleted the old one and put in the new one. I refreshed my browser window. No change! I pressed Ctrl+F5. I was still seeing the old version!…Continue Reading…

Make Windows Snap to Edges?

Is there any way to make windows snap to edges in Windows XP? That includes both screen edges and the edges of other windows.

Finding housing in Santa Monica

For the past several weeks, I’ve been looking for housing in or near Santa Monica. I’m not picky. I’ll take pretty much anything. So that has given me a lot of options. And the fact that I was looking so early seems to have made things harder, because many of the places I looked at…Continue Reading…