
What does “intelliot” mean?

Originally, I thought of it as the words “intelligent” and “elliot” combined. Someone later suggested INTELliot, “Intel” and “elliot”. And yet another possible meaning is: int elliot; … declaring an integer variable called elliot in C/C++/Java/etc. It’s kind of amusing how the nickname has grown on me. My old nickname, which I still use occasionally,…Continue Reading…

USB Piezo Ionizer Air Purifier EPI 585

I bid on one of those USB Air Purifiers on eBay and won it for $11 + $7 shipping. Here’s a quote from the auction description: This ionizer purifies air, kills bacteria, removes smoke, emi free, improves immunity. The new technological is brilliant and unique usb plug based ionizer, which by the consistent release of…Continue Reading…

What’s so peculiar about this sentence?

I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting; nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality, counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications’ incomprehensibleness. Have you noticed yet? Each word in the sentence is one letter longer than the word before it.

a Joke

The pessimist says, “this glass is half empty.” The optimist says, “this glass is half full.” the engineer says, “this glass is exactly twice as large as it needs to be.” Source: Slashdot

Help Me

I’d like to put this site on Google for the search “Elliot Lee”. Add this link to your site. <a title="Elliot Lee" href="">Elliot Lee</a> Help me out and someday I’ll help you too. Thanks in advance.

FBLA Competition

Yesterday’s FBLA state competition went reasonably well. It was at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Irvine. I entered both Computer Concepts and Java Programming …