
Why Vote?

My friend Alan mentioned that he probably won’t vote because he doesn’t think his vote makes any difference. Well, here’s an answer from Peter Norvig’s Presidential Election 2008 FAQ. The best answer I’ve seen for this question, IMHO. Is it rational to vote? Let me explain what the question means. For your vote to have…Continue Reading…

Ron Paul endorses Chuck Baldwin: Why Vote for a Third Party Candidate?

When I first started thinking about this Presidential election, I supported both Ron Paul and John McCain. I saw them both as good options, as I agreed with most of their positions. And the issues they disagreed on were not ones that I cared about. But as I learned more, I slowly began to oppose…Continue Reading…

The two parties don’t differ on the economy

Ralph Nader visited USC today. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it, but I hope someone got it on video and will post it. I’ll ask some friends about it sometime :) Here’s a letter by Ron Paul which again reminds me why I want to vote for a third-party candidate. September 27, 2008 Disaster is About…Continue Reading…

Science has a serious marketing problem

All of the economic improvement we’ve experienced is due to technology. Take a look at this graph of income per person. And watch this speech by Larry Page, co-founder and former CEO of Google.

Ron Paul’s Answer to the President

Dear Friends: The financial meltdown the economists of the Austrian School predicted has arrived. We are in this crisis because of an excess of artificially created credit at the hands of the Federal Reserve System. The solution being proposed? More artificial credit by the Federal Reserve. No liquidation of bad debt and malinvestment is to…Continue Reading…

Psychic Search Breaks K2

I’m using K2 with Psychic Search, and my blog looked a bit weird for users coming from search engines. The tag specified a class that was completely messed up. It showed Related Posts along with some keywords. I was confused, thinking it was caused by one of the Related Posts plugins I had installed. Nope….Continue Reading…