
Something I didn’t need to know for CSCI 402

Typed it up before I realized it’s not part of our readings. A socket is an endpoint for communication. In Java, Connection-oriented (TCP) sockets are implemented with the Socket class, Connectionless (UDP) sockets use the DatagramSocket class, and MulticastSocket, a subclass of DatagramSocket, allows data to be sent to multiple recipients. The loopback is….Continue Reading…

Ron Paul on the Financial Crisis

I refuse to vote for a candidate who doesn’t discuss this issue honestly. Watch Ron Paul now. And on MSNBC, Ron Paul discusses the national debt. (He also mentions the situation regarding Hurricane Ike, which hit near where he lives in Texas.) Watch the video above!

The Federal Reserve Caused The Great Depression

I’m hearing a lot about the Great Depression in the news recently. The stock market fell 400 points, people are losing jobs. But what nobody’s mentioning is the fact that the Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression. Obviously, there are some who disagree, but you’ll have to look at the facts and decide for yourself….Continue Reading…

Video Review of Brain Tuner

I randomly decided to search for Brain Tuner iPhone on Google to see who might be talking about my app, and I found that someone has done a good video review! So if you have a few minutes, watch it:

I Cried Today

On the way back to my apartment, I was listening to AM 740, “K-Bright” KBRT. Today is September 11, 2008. They had a special feature in which they recounted the events of September 11, 2001. As they talked about plane crashes, the actions of the FAA, the buildings collapsing… tears welled up in my eyes….Continue Reading…

How to Learn: Are You Stupid?

I’m reading Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, Third Edition, by Aaron Hillegass. In Chapter 1, he has a section called How to Learn. I think this applies well to any subject, whether it’s computer programming or art history. And this is a great section containing ideas I should implement the next time I do…Continue Reading…