
Leaving for a week-long hike

I’m going on a backpacking trip for the next week. I’m going from Onion Valley to Mt. Whitney via Kearsarge Pass, part of the John Muir Trail. In case I want to share anything with you, I set up a blog at Sign up for emails and stay informed! Enter your email address: Delivered…Continue Reading…

Ron Paul on the Difference between McCain and Obama

It’s a tough choice. Right now I’m really leaning toward McCain, as I used to be a strong supporter of him; but recently the more I’ve learned about the war, the more I disapprove of how our foreign policy is changing. Heck, maybe I’ll just write-in Ron Paul. Video is Ron Paul on MSNBC Morning…Continue Reading…

Brain Apps on the Google App Engine

In my spare time over the past several days, I’ve been working on an idea I have for a web app that would keep track of thoughts from my brain. Sure, blogs already do that, but they generally have some structure. I require complete sentences, and posts aren’t easily kept public and private. I can’t…Continue Reading…

WordPress Convert Pages to Posts

It’s quite easy, and I see no downsides as yet: UPDATE `wp_posts` SET post_type=’post’ WHERE post_type=’page’

Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 Flicker

We tried a lot of things to fix this: changing the camera’s resolution, downloading the driver (117 MB), etc. But the solution turned out to be a Microsoft Hotfix for video degradation. It’s KB article 949033. Enter your email address and Microsoft will send you a link to download the Hotfix. The email will also…Continue Reading…

ooVoo not supported on this architecture

I tried to install ooVoo on my iMac, but it would only create a folder called with a red minus sign at the bottom right. You can’t open the application “” because it is not supported on this architecture. The solution is to install ooVoo to your Desktop, and then drag the ooVoo icon…Continue Reading…