
EVK has the best music

One of the two residential dining halls here at USC is “Everybody’s Kitchen”– also known as EVK. Sometime over the past two years, I think they switched to a new music provider. I really like the music they’ve been playing for the past couple months. It seems to be all of my favorite songs! Here’s…Continue Reading…

Usage approaching quota

My account on USC’s Aludra server is approaching its quota. I appreciate that they’re proactive about sending these warnings. I’d hate to one day run out of space and be stuck deleting files when I’m too busy to do so. Dear USC Computer User, This message was sent to inform you that your disk usage…Continue Reading…

Free email address

Interested in a free email address? Just in case you’re looking for a better email service (or homepage or calendar), I thought I’d go ahead and plug I bought it for $10 about 4 months ago and it hasn’t done anything yet. Do you have any ideas? And just to make this post…Continue Reading…

Competition at USC

People aren’t competitive here. Unlike some of my high school friends, college students have to take responsibility for their own learning. I was spurred to work harder in high school because people pushed me to do so. In college, there’s less of that kind of forcefulness. Engineering students seem to be a lot more humble…Continue Reading…

USC beats UCLA in Men’s Tennis

It was the first time we beat UCLA in over two years. Since 1997, we won just four of twenty-two matches (source). Last season we finished 8-14 overall, 1-6 Pac-10. But we regrouped, and this year we’re having an amazing season. We’ve won every match so far (schedule). This year has been a complete turnaround….Continue Reading…

Wearing rivals’ colors detracts from USC

While having breakfast at EVK, I read an excellent article in the Daily Trojan by my friend Blessing Waung. The premise is that USC students wear other schools’ paraphernalia. She believes this is a bad thing, instead preferring that USC students wear nothing but cardinal and gold. (To read the article, see: Wearing rivals’ colors…Continue Reading…