
Topics of Interest on SitePoint

This post has been moved to my linkblog as SitePoint Topics.

Website for You

I’m finally going to follow up on my post from about 2 months ago, Too Many Websites. I sat down today and suddenly remembered a few sites that I love, but don’t have time for – and so the’ve been growing stale for about a year. All it takes is for someone to put some…Continue Reading…

Simple PHP Caching

Awesome stuff. < ?php $cachefile = 'cache/index-cached.html'; $cachetime = 5 * 60; // Serve from the cache if it is younger than $cachetime if (file_exists($cachefile) && time() - $cachetime < filemtime($cachefile)) { include($cachefile); echo "\n”; exit; } ob_start(); // Start the output buffer /* The code to dynamically generate the page goes here */ //...Continue Reading…

26 Ways to Promote Your Site

When creating your first website or starting out on the web, you’ll probably at some point make a website that’s of interest to a wider and, perhaps, even international audience. Once you’ve written lots of content and uploaded lots of original photos, though, you’re left with the problem of showing people your work, and helping…Continue Reading…

The Web is Becoming Increasingly Overwhelming

The year was 1996. I was creating my first website. It was about Pokemon, games, and programming. Life was simpler back then. The Internet felt like a relatively small community. The number of webmasters was a fraction of what it is today. There was less information. Spam was not a problem, search engines were not…Continue Reading…

Robots, Math, phpBB Star, MP3 Shack, Pete, Ishwar, Essays

[MM] I woke this morning in time to finish my Calculus homework before going to EE 106 to work with Michael O. on our robot. We’re supposed to make it run through an obstacle course, but the IR detectors see too far. We need to somehow make it more nearsighted. Otherwise, we can’t detect small…Continue Reading…