
I want to work in software engineering

… at Google or Yahoo. But who doesn’t? Hopefully they consider this idea: The other important thing to consider is that most IT folk do their best work young and fresh out of college. They’re not “old hands”, they’re “young minds”. The real innovators are almost invariably people who haven’t learned yet that what they’re…Continue Reading…

AdSense Journal: US Targeting

I’m now geotargeting YPN ads for US users on Invision Plus forums (example: Support Forum). It looks reasonably good! US visitors will see 50/50 AdSense and Yahoo, while those outside the US will only get AdSense. I’ll test this for 7 days, then add images.

Firefox Breaks 10% Market Share

Firefox now has a 10.05% market share, compared with 84.7% for Internet Explorer, according to Designers must stop designing for Internet Explorer only. Firefox is the way to go. Every webmaster must make his or her sites fully compatible with both browsers. This shouldn’t be too difficult. In third place is Apple’s Safari, which…Continue Reading…

Digg this post with WordPress

It finally works! I just spent nearly an hour just trying to get the “Digg this” link to work properly. I was modeling it after other “Digg this” links on other weblogs, but they all did it different ways. Sometimes it was phase=2, sometimes phase=3. Sometimes the URL was urlencode()’ed, sometimes not. Sometimes they had…Continue Reading…

Yahoo Publisher Network in the United States

Yahoo only wants US traffic for YPN, and the best way to do that is to do geotargeting on your site. I’m now doing this for Invision Plus, serving both AdSense and YPN for US visitors, and just AdSense for everyone else. Here are the instructions for geotargeting Yahoo Publisher Network ads for US visitors…Continue Reading…

There’s Space for a MySpace Competitor

I was reading a post at ensight and a lot of thoughts came to mind. I think the conclusion that the entire discussion points to is that there’s an unmet demand for a competitor to MySpace. Although Facebook is an excellent alternative, it’s not perfect. It’s targetted toward college students, and it doesn’t support blogging….Continue Reading…