
Smart idea for parents iPhone contract between mother…

Smart idea for parents: iPhone contract between mother and son

AV Foundation on iPhone 2.0

There are still thousands of people using iPhone OS 2.0. I met one of them last night. The AV Foundation framework is only supported in iPhone OS 2.1 or higher. When my app is run on iPhone 2.0, I want it to downgrade gracefully. The app must still work. I’d be fine with the AV…Continue Reading…

iPhone App Development Classes

My latest iPhone/iPod touch app, Whiteboard Lite, is now available in the iTunes App Store. This semester, I’m a Lab Assistant (also sometimes called a Teaching Assistant or TA) for the new ITP 499 iPhone App Development class here at USC (the University of Southern California). The most well-known iPhone App Dev class done so…Continue Reading…

Localizable.strings Not Working

The iPhone offers good localization support the same way Mac OS X does. For strings, developers use a file called “Localizable.strings”. It’s a bit tricky, though. The syntax of the file is strict; any small error will cause it to stop working without warning. Unfortunately, the compiler (which doesn’t touch the file at all) can’t…Continue Reading…

End of 2008

Well, I haven’t blogged in a long time, and now school’s about to start again, so I’d better get to it. Another year has come and gone, and I must say that it was a very eventful one. Far too much for me to cover right now. Not sure if I have the motivation to…Continue Reading…

Video Review of Brain Tuner

I randomly decided to search for Brain Tuner iPhone on Google to see who might be talking about my app, and I found that someone has done a good video review! So if you have a few minutes, watch it: